Nicolas Freches, M. Sc.
Postal Address
RWTH Aachen University
Institute for Mathematics
Attn: Nicolas Freches, M. Sc.
Templergraben 55
52062 Aachen
Contact Options and Office Hours
Office: Room 118.1, Templergraben 55
Phone: +49 241 80 99637
Office Hours:
By appointment.
Research interests: Geometric Knot Theory, Critical Point Theory, Global Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Differential Geometry
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Heiko von der Mosel
On-going Teaching
WS 2023/24: Mathematical Methods in Chemistry 1 (TA) and Seminar on Functional Analysis
SS 2024/25: Mathematical Methods in Chemistry 2 (TA)
WS 2024/25: Mathematical Methods in Chemistry 1 (TA) and Geometric Analysis I(TA)
Conferences and events
September 2024: Workshop of HCM Bonn: "Calculus of Variations - A new generation" as participant
Januar 2024: Lightning Math Night at RWTH (Kurzvorträge) as organizor
May 2023: Forschungsaufenthalt and der Paris-Lodron Universität Salzburg bei Prof. Dr. Simon Blatt
January 2023: dr. rer. mat. night at RWTH (Lightning talks) as organizor
August 2022: Summer school on Surfaces at lake Chiemsee, Germany