Scalar and Vector Risk in the General Framework of Portfolio Theory - A Convex Analysis Approach
A General Framework for Portfolio Theory. Part III: Multi-Period Markets and Modular Approach
A Reifenberg Type Characterization for m-dimensional C1-Submanifolds of ℝn
A General Framework for Portfolio Theory. Part II: drawdown risk measures
A General Framework for Portfolio Theory. Part I: theory and various models
Symmetric Critical Knots for O'Hara's Energies
Existence and Uniqueness for the Multivariate Discrete Terminal Wealth Relative
Risk averse fractional trading using the current drawdown
Surfaces of prescribed mean curvature in a cone
Survey on log-normally distributed market-technical trend data
Shape optimization for an elliptic operator with infinitely many positive and negative eigenvalues
Existence and properties of certain critical points of the Cahn-Hilliard energy
The elastic trefoil is the twice covered circle
Integral Menger curvature and rectifiability of n-dimensional Borel sets in Euclidean N-space
Correctness of Backtest Engines
Domain perturbations for elliptic problems with Robin boundary conditions of opposite sign
Lead-Lag Relationship using a Stop-and-Reverse-MinMax Process
Backtest of trading systems on candle charts
Comparing maximal mean values on different scales
Optimality conditions for the buckling of a clamped plate.
Two Robin boundary value problems with opposite sign.
On minimal immersions in Finsler space.
Optimale Kurven – über die Anfänge der Variationsrechnung
Existence theorems for optimal fractional trading
Domain derivatives for energy functionals with boundary integrals; optimality and monotonicity.
Capillary surfaces and floating bodies
On hypersurfaces of positive reach, alternating Steiner formulæ and Hadwiger's Problem
Empirical Study of the 1-2-3 Trend Indicator (Updated: May 2013)
How averaged Menger curvatures control regularity and topology of curves and surfaces
Menger curvature as a knot energy
Plateau's problem in Finsler 3-space
On some knot energies involving Menger curvature
On the existence of a drag minimizing shape in an incompressible fluid
On the Steady Motion of a Coupled System Solid-Liquid
Characterizing W2,p submanifolds by p-integrability of global curvatures
A characterisation of inner product spaces by the maximal circumradius of spheres
Tangency properties of sets with finite geometric curvature energies
Fluid Flows Around Floating Bodies, I: The Hydrostatic Case
For which positive p is the integral Menger curvature Mp finite for all simple polygons?
A Note on Regularity for the n-dimensional H-System assuming logarithmic higher Integrability
Regularity of n/2-harmonic maps into spheres (Short Version)
Tangent-point self-avoidance energies for curves
Regularity of n/2-harmonic maps into spheres (Long Version)
Fluid Flows Around Floating Bodies, I: The Hydrostatic Case
Steady-State Navier-Stokes Flows Around a Rotating Body: Leray Solutions are Physically Reasonable
Steady-State Navier-Stokes Flows Past a Rotating Body: Leray Solutions are Physically Reasonable
Integral Menger curvature for surfaces
Die zweite Gebietsvariation für die gebeulte Platte
Note on Continuously Differentiable Isotopies
A Remark on Gauge Transformations and the Moving Frame Method
What are the longest ropes on the unit sphere?
On some Rescaled Shape Optimization Problems
Yin-Yang-Kurven lösen ein Packungsproblem
Regularizing and self-avoidance effects of integral Menger curvature
Chord-Arc Constants for Submanifolds of Arbitrary Codimension
A Lower Bound for the Gromov Distortion of Knotted Submanifolds
Boundary regularity via Uhlenbeck-Rivière decomposition
On the Blow-Up Limit for the Radially Symmetric Willmore Flow
Conformal mapping of multiply connected Riemann domains by a variational approach
Steady Flow of a Navier-Stokes Liquid Past an Elastic Body
The ∞ Eigenvalue Problem from a Variational Point of View
Energetics and dynamics of global integrals modeling interaction between stiff filaments
Optimization problems for an energy functional with mass constraint revisited
A geometric curvature double integral of Menger type for space curves
W2,p and W1,p-estimates at the boundary for solutions of fully nonlinear, uniformly elliptic equations
Obstacle problems for elastic rods
On weakly harmonic maps from Finsler to Riemannian manifolds
Rigorous Numerics for the Cahn-Hilliard Equation on the Unit Square
The Paneitz equation in hyperbolic space
Does Finite Knot Energy Lead To Differentiability?
Positivity and anti-maximum principles for elliptic operators with mixed boundary conditions
A priori bounds for semilinear equations and a new class of critical exponents for Lipschitz domains
Sobolev Constants in Disconnected Domains
Optimization problems for weighted Sobolev constants
Structure of the Attractor of the Cahn Hilliard Equation on a Square
All curves in a C1-neighbourhood of a given embedded curve are isotopic
Conformal Representation of Surfaces, and Plateau′s Problem for Cartan Functionals
Optimal Shape Problems for Eigenvalues
Die Vorlesung ′Figur und Rotation der Himmelskörper′ von F. Hausdorff, WS 1895/96, Universität Leipzig